Tents & Field Camps

NBC | CBRN Filtration and Ventilation Systems for

air systems for field camps
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Tents & Field Camps

CBRN filtration systems for tents and army camps include various models that cover the whole range of collective protection (COLPRO) systems. Numerous options are available such as integrated multi-stage heating, differential pressure gauge, remote control, and more. NATO forces, European, and other armies around the world, are currently using Beth-El’s COLPRO systems. They provide easy combination with auxiliary equipment, such as air-conditioning units and generators. Complete turnkey projects are also available — field hospitals and command centres can include decontamination showers, complex airlock designs, and negative pressure laboratories. All Beth-El systems are extremely quiet, reliable, and can be customized to fit the client’s needs.
NBC/CBRN protection systems Video title picture
Complete Environmental Protection for Vehicles & Mobile Shelters

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