
Ventilation/CBRN Filtration – ships

CBRN | NBC Ventilation Systems for Ships

NBC | CBRN Protection

cbrn-filtration and ventilation system type fa 150 vm-1
Air flow in CBRN filtration mode:
~150 m³/h
Air flow in Ventilation / Dust Fltration mode:
~220 m³/h
crew vessle
Equipped with
Ventilation / CBRN Protection System
for ships
NBC protected military Watercat ship uses NBC/CBRN protection system NBC protected military Watercat ship uses NBC/CBRN protection system NBC protected large battle ship uses NBC/CBRN protection system Front view of an protected military Watercat ship uses NBC/CBRN protection system

Ventilation/CBRN Filtration – ships

The exceptional modularity of Beth-El Industries allows it to be operated as a ventilation system and with a quick change of filter it becomes a life saving CBRN filtration system that can operate around-the-clock to provide collective protection to the crew. The system uses minimally aging carbon, which is especially important in high humidity environments to remove TICs and TIMs (Toxic Industrial Chemicals & Materials) from the air. The systems are easy to operate, light weight, and they have minimal power requirements.
NBC/CBRN protection systems Video title picture
Complete Environmental Protection for Vehicles & Mobile Shelters

Copyright @ Beth-El Zikhron Yaaqov Industries Ltd.

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