
Safe Rooms (Rainbow Systems)

Safe Rooms

Ventilation | NBC | CBRN | CO Filtration
nbc - filtration and ventilation system type rainbow 72 R
with manual back up
in case of power failure
Apartament Safe Room
can be protected by the small
Rainbow NBC Protecting System
air system 72-R for apartment safe room Safe room protection system a safe room equipped with Rainbow NBC filtering system metropolitan city at night

Safe Rooms (Rainbow Systems)

The Rainbow 72 R NBC protection system is perfect for small safe rooms. The Rainbow 72 R system pulls outside air into the protected space through a blast valve to protect from blast waves and their adverse effects and a highly efficient set of filters. This creates an overpressure inside the protected space, which further serves to keep unwanted toxins from entering the protected area. A safe environment is generated, which relieves the occupants from having to wear gas masks or protective clothing.

Copyright @ Beth-El Zikhron Yaaqov Industries Ltd.

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