
Engine Air Cleaners

Dust Filtration for vehicle engines

Engine Air Cleaner

engine air cleaners
engine air cleaners
engine air cleaners
engine air cleaners
engine air cleaners
armored tank
equipped with
Engine Air Cleaner
Beth-El's Engine air cleaner system Engine Air Cleaners protects the engine of tanks and heavy duty vehicles from harmful dust particles Engine Air Cleaners provides outstanding protection of the engine against dust particles Engine Air Cleaners protects the engine of tanks and heavy duty vehicles from harmful dust particles Merkava tank in desert Merkava tank at field conditions air cleaner for heavy duty vehicles B5200 Namer tank at movement

Engine Air Cleaners

The Engine Air Cleaners from Beth-El Industries are developed and tested in actual conditions for a variety of military and industrial vehicles. The systems guarantee continuous operation with their maintenance free, first stage, self-cleaning cyclone filter. A highly efficient filter cartridge follows the cyclone, which has the longest possible filter life-time due to patented humidity protection that is built in to the filter.

  • Special performance adaption to different engine manufacturers and platforms.
NBC/CBRN protection systems Video title picture
Complete Environmental Protection for Vehicles & Mobile Shelters

Copyright @ Beth-El Zikhron Yaaqov Industries Ltd.

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